Children spend their free time in the fresh air with their friends, playing sports, building friendships.

Hobby horsing is an official sport. Girls compete in a variety of disciplines such as show jumping and dressage, where they are judged for their style and accuracy of performance, as a couple with their hobby. Precision and performed figures with their horses.
But the roots of this remarkable sport go back to the beginning of the millennium. Hobby Horse, which imitates equestrian disciplines with a wooden horse between its legs, is made famous by a documentary by Finnish director (and Oscar nomination holder) Selma Vilhunen called Hobbyhorse Revolution.


Hobby Horsing

Hobby Horsing

Hobby Horsing: A creative sport that draws children into fun and relaxation

You may remember your childhood when you used to have fun playing horse with a wooden stick with a horse's head on one end. Or maybe you have old photos of your grandparents or parents with such a horse at home. Hobby Horsing is a modern version of this classic game, which has grown into a popular sport for children and youth in Finland.